Wednesday 26 September 2012

First Blog, First Thoughts...

As a 'personal' project I feel that means, looking at something close to home or anything I know well. For me that meant 'Tosh'. My eight year old West Highland terrier. He's always around me, sometimes for the off chance he might get the odd chip or two or follow me into the kitchen hoping I am going to be reaching for the lead. Either way, he's there, he sees my bad days, good days and similarly I see him, I see his personality, his loyalty and his unconditional love for me. For people who may not have a dog, I would suggest it's like having an additional family member who you get used to being around, almost so that you sometimes take them for granted.
Over the following weeks, I intend to research into any books, articles, photographs or films I can find that in some way try to engage or express the powerful relationship between man and dog.